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Muslim Students

Quiz 18 Seniors with answers

  1. What is Hadīth an-Nabawī?
    Hadīth an-Nabawī is a Saying of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam

  2. What is Hadīth al-Qudsī?
    Hadīth al-Qudsī is a Sacred Saying in which Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam conveys in his own words what Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā said. Hadīth al-Qudsī is not part of the Qur’ān, as the Qur’ān is exclusively the Word of Allah.

  3. What is Hajj al-Ifrād?
    In Hajj al-Ifrād, only Hajj is performed without performing ‘Umrah at the same time.

  4. What is Hajj at-Tamattu‘?
    In Hajj at-Tamattu‘, ‘Umrah is performed before the Hajj with a separate state of ihrām for both Hajj and ‘Umrah.

  5. What is Hajj al-Qirān?
    In Hajj al-Qirān, ‘Umrah is performed with Hajj in the same state of ihrām.

  6. What is al-Hamziyya?
    Al-Hamziyya is a religious poem in which all the verses end and rhyme with the letter Hamza.

  7. Explain the meaning of al-Haramayn?
    Al-Haramayn refers to the two sacred masjidayn, that is Masjid al-Harām in the vicinity of the Ka‘ba in Makka and Masjid an-Nabawī in Madīna.

  8. Jealousy is forbidden except in two instances. What are these two instances?
    Jealousy is forbidden except to be jealous of a person for his learning or for his charity, wishing to be charitable like him.

  9. What is meant by hasanāt?
    Hasanāt means good deeds.

  10. Give three examples of hasanāt.
    Some examples of hasanāt are:

    (a)    being good to your neighbours

    (b)   learning and teaching the Qur’ān

    (c)    respecting elders

    (d)   saying Takbīr (Allāhu Akbar: Allāh is Supremely Great)

    (e)    feeding the poor

    (f)    reciting the Holy Qur’ān

    (g)   removing thorns and rubbish from the road

    (h)   going for jihād against blood-thirsty invaders

  11. Who is a Hanafī? Who is a Shāfi‘ī? Who is a Mālikī? Who is a Hanbalī?
    A Hanafī is a Muslim who follows the school of sacred Muslim law of Imām Abū Hanīfa.

    A Shāfi‘ī is a Muslim who follows the school of sacred Muslim law of Imām Shāfi‘ī.

    A Mālikī is a Muslim who follows the school of sacred Muslim law of Imām Mālik.

    A Hanbalī is a Muslim who follows the school of sacred Muslim law of Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal, may Allāh have mercy on all of them.

  12. What is meant by hadath al-asgahr?
    Hadath al-asghar is a minor ritual impurity, as a result, for example, of passing wind, or going to the washroom

  13. If you are in a state of hadath al-asghar, what do you have to do if you wish to pray?
    Do Wudū’ (ablution).

  14. What is meant by hadath al-akbar?
    Hadath al-akbar is a major ritual impurity arising, for example, from sexual intercourse or a seminal emission or menstruation

  15. If you are in a state of hadath al-akbar, what do you have to do if you wish to pray?
    Make ghusl which is a purifying bath

  16. What is the meaning of: Hasbunallāhu wa Ni‘mal Wakīl?
    Hasbunallāhu wa Ni‘mal Wakīl means that “Allāh is Sufficient for us and He is the Best Guardian”

  17. Translate Hasbiyallāh and Hasbunallāh to bring out the difference between these two invocations.
    Hasbiyallāh means that “Allāh is Sufficient for me” and Hasbunallāh means that “Allāh is Sufficient for us

  18. Imām al-Ghazālī Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh is called hujjat al-Islām. What does it mean?
    Hujjat al-Islām means the Proof of Islām.

  19. What is meant by husn al-adab?
    Husn al-adab means good behaviour and proper conduct.

  20. What is meant by husn az-zann?
    Husn az-zann means having good thoughts about others.

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